Thursday, December 4, 2014

16 - Carrots, Broccoli, and Spinach Oh My!!

            Growing up I did not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Probably the only fruit I ate was an apple and the only vegetables I ate were corn, potatoes, and green beans. Everything else just didn’t look appetizing to eat. It all tasted just fine but the hardest thing for me was the texture of the new foods that I tried. They were always so hard to swallow.
            When I was called to serve in California among the Lao people, I knew that I would be eating some weird foods. So from the day that my mission started I decided to throw out my fears of food and just try it. Who would have known that fruits and vegetable were actually good to eat. In memory of overcoming my food fear, I wanted to post my list of new foods that I have tried. Some on the list may shock you so be warned.
Starting July 2012, these are the new foods I have eaten and liked. Egg Nog, Apple Sauce, Papaya, Bananas, Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Crisp, Onions, Yogurt, Honeydew, Tripe, Brussel Sprouts, Grapes, Melon, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Pear, Pecan Pie, Cucumber, Tangerines, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Curry, Octopus, Papaya Salad (my favorite Lao dish), Sticky Rice, Bamboo, Chicken Liver, Sour Cream, Orange, Coleslaw, Yam, Peaches, Avocado, Pig’s Blood, Jello, Mussels, Pig Stomach, Cabbage, Artichoke, Cherry Pie, Blackberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries, Radishes, Apricot, Kiwi, Oatmeal, Egg Plant, Pickled Beets, Quail Eggs, Asparagus, Squirrel Head, Deer Brains, Gu tsav (Hmong Pepper), Thai pepper, Pho, Pig Liver, Spam, Rhubarb, Plum, Spinach, and Squash.
            There are probably so many more that I haven’t written down and I liked every new bite.  Hope you enjoyed my list.

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