Friday, September 26, 2014

3 - Reflecting Back on Rhetorical Analysis

         Writing this paper was not very fun. This past week I started my new job and trying to work 3 hours each day plus school work has been hectic. My job right now, because i just got hired, I do not have a set schedule so it has been kind of hard to organize my time. By next week though I should have a more set schedule. The biggest thing I think I could work on for my next assignments is to better manage my time with work and school. When it is organized and neat then i will be able to turn all things in on time and be able to space my workload to an understandable amount. Besides time. I actually quite enjoyed writing this paper. It was fun so research about C.S. Lewis and be able to see his ideals about Christianity. It’s hard to believe that he was not Christian. This paper we analyzed his argument, dissected it, and write about it. One thing I will do much better next time is give myself time and use that time. What a roller coaster weekend. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

2 - Family Stories Combine Generations

One time at a family reunion we had gotten this jar full of little strips of paper. On each paper was written a life question that we could ask grandma and grandpa. I remember this as being one my favorite family reunions. Learning more about my grandparents and their life was quite an amazing experience. I don't remember each question that was asked and maybe even what each of their answers were but I was able to feel how strong our family was after that day. I really liked the article The Stories That Bind Us By Bruce Feiler. It helped remind me how important my family is and how much I would like for my children to know about them. The church has done a really good job now with connecting these family stories on their website where we can upload family pics and stories. In the scriptures i was reading the other day in Alma 37. Verse 8 really seemed applicable to this, it reads "And now, it has hitherto been wisdom in God that these things should be preserved; for behold, they have enlarged the memory of this people, yea, and convinced many of the error of their ways, and brought them to the knowledge of their God unto the salvation of their souls."
The stories of our ancestors are like our personal set of scriptures. Where we can learn from their pasts to either follow their example or to make our life better. I am grateful to be a descendant of many great members of the church. I have learned from them and I hope my children will be able to also.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

1 - Elder Bednar's Social Media Talk

As I was watching Elder Bednar's talk from BYU Education Week, It only reminded me of one thing. My mission. His invitation to the members of the church to "sweep the earth as with a flood" to me is just a continuation of my time in the mission field. I remember my time of being a district leader in Elk Grove and the video "Because of Him" had recently been published. It was an amazing time for me and my companion share our testimonies of the Savior and being able to teach my district how to implement this video as they contacted people. Now that I am not a full-time missionary and especially being a student at BYU where everyone is mostly LDS, it has been harder to share. We all have learned thought that we can use the internet to still share our beliefs with others. And it is easy. Such a great blessing this is that Heavenly Father has given us to continue to help all of his children in the world. I love it! It's so amazing!